Find out what a hotel booking or checkout engine is and why you need it

booking engine for hotels

A booking engine for hotels or checkout is a vital tool for independent hoteliers, as it will allow them have a much greater control of your online reservations, as well as obtain direct reservations 24 hours a day and anywhere in the world.

Today, with the rapid growth of electronic commerce and online travel agencies (OTAs), travelers prefer the convenience and speed of comparing rates, checking availability and being able to make their reservations online.

For this reason, hotels must have a website that provides that comfort to their guests and a great experience at their hotel from the moment of reservation.

What is a hotel booking engine?  

A hotel booking engine is a connectivity system or software that links to your hotel's website for the purpose of capturing and processing online reservations.

In addition, the engine shows the updated hotel availability for the user to select the date of their stay and to complete the reservation process, including payment, in the same place.

Some of the additional functions of a reservation software include the option of an image gallery, integration with Facebook, having a variety of languages, sending the confirmation to an email address, among many others.

Similarly, a booking engine can be integrated with a channel manager for the complete administration of both the distribution channels in which your hotel is connected, as well as the reservations made directly on your website with the booking engine.

Advantages for your hotel

The possibilities that a motor offers to your accommodation are very valuable. In the first place, by automating your reservation process, you will save a lot of time and resources that were normally used for telephone service, manual updating of your calendars, available rooms, changes in rates and more.

Another of the The benefits of a booking engine for small hotels is that it opens the possibility of acquiring a greater number of direct reservations, eliminating the payment of commissions to third parties such as online agencies.

Despite the fact that OTAs are very necessary for your hotel to have great visibility in distribution channels, commission payments to these agencies can be very high for independent hotels and cause them unnecessary financial pressure.

On the other hand, modern guests have the expectation of being able to make their reservations on a hotel website, whether for convenience, speed, or security.

Often, too, people prefer to go directly to the hotel's website to get an additional detail, discount, or benefit for their stay. This initiative to reward guests has been growing by hotels to save commissions to third parties.

Finally, a booking engine can give you valuable information about guests by storing the information and providing you with key data that you can analyze to improve your sales strategies, rates, promotions, and advertising strategies.

Thus, at Integrate a booking engine for your hotel, you will have a better interaction with your website visitors, a better conversion rate and the trust of your customers.

How to choose the best reservation checkout for your hotel?

In order to choose the best checkout for your hotel, among all the options that exist, you will have to consider what are the priorities of your business and verify that the software provider offers what you need.

Some of our recommendations for choosing a complete reservation checkout are: that it includes an eye-catching reservation button, a simple reservation process, that is friendly with mobile devices and with Facebook and Instagram, that it has multiple languages and currency conversion as well as its compatibility with channel managers and hotel management systems.

In GuruHotel We offer you an all-in-one solution for your hotel that includes the direct booking channel, the OTAS that you use the most connected with your hotel, as well as the possibility of monitoring in real time and from the same platform the guests of all your channels, giving them personalized assistance and transform your stay into a unique and unforgettable experience.

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